Stageing, Mikrofonieren, Tonmischung für FOH und Monitoring auf folgenden Consolen (oder vergleichbaren): Yamaha QL-Serie, Allen & Heath SQ-Serie, Midas Pro II, Behringer Wing, Behringer/Midas X32 ... oder jedem analogen Pult.

I am a cusdom in FOH as well as Monitor mixing on following consuls (or comparable): yamaha QL Series, Allen & Heath SQ Series, Midas Pro II, Behringer Wing,  Behringer/Midas X32..or any analog consul.

Clubs/Concert-spaces I work for on a regular basis:

Galle, Hühnermanhatten, Turm (Halle/Saale) IfZ, Zorro (Leipzig)

I have mixed live for the following bands and projects ( selection) :

Ale Hop, Acid Row, Ariel my Friend, Aservatenkammer, Bahnhof Motte, Bils Buco, Blank, Cava, Cuntroaches, Dame Area, Deltawelle, Eyal Talmore, Jason Kahn,  Jonny Kurt,  Jorge Espinosa, H Graves, Tim Dahl, Lydia Lunch's, Retro Virus, HALLE, Kaskadeur, Novaves, LeTurb, Szene Putzen, DasDas, Kou, Kapazitiver Blindwiederstand, She-Dog, Maw, Mørtel, Halbthal, Mellie, die Wände, UnicornPartisans, Heavy Petting, Dj Hornhaut Liveband, Jonathan Bergen, Powl,  AH-Mult, Greedy Voltures, Highway Patrol, Stalag, New Moon Rising, Nebenwiderspruch, OYA Band, Parkinglot, Poky, Unexpected Hercules, Satans Mineons, Xofty, Eazy, Dolphins, Torch, Wrackspurts, She can´t affort Mascara, Hello Pitty, Grandm Glasgow Tape Collective, Fatigue Suspecte, City Dragon, The Hallways, Loup Uberto, Kasperhauser, Murks, Klinke, Gebrochene Beine, Schwund, MIKA, Panic Shack, Rebelión, Die Verlierer, Niels Keppel ...

Genres: Alternative, Dark Wave, (Electro-)Punk/Pop, Country, Grunge, Hardcore, Jazz, Experimental, Noise, (Hard-)Rock, Stoner, Psychadelic, Singer/Songwriter, Trap, Reaggae, Hiphop, Funk, Ska, (live)-Techno ...